Williamstown Fire District Seeking Fire Chief
The Prudential Committee of Williamstown is seeking our next Fire Chief to lead the Williamstown Fire Department (WFD). Williamstown is located in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, sharing a border with both Vermont to the north and New York to the west. A rural college town, with a population of roughly 8,000, it is home to Williams College and the Clark Art Institute.
Resumes, with cover letter, should be emailed to Richard Duncan at: richard.duncan@williamstownfiredept.org
Application review will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
2/20/2024 Updated Rendering
Interested in Volunteering? Williamstown Fire is always in search for new members 18+. Feel free to stop by at the station or watch a training session held on:
Monday Nights 6:30pm to 9pm
All of our firefighters are trained in house and paid per call.
Current number of volunteer firefighters in our department.
In the year of 2022 the department received this many calls for Williamstown.
Mutual aid calls our department assisted our neighboring towns in 2022.